

April 20, 2012
After a long time and a lot of work that took me over two years, the screencaps from all Psi Factor episodes were finally added to the site. You will be able to find it in the gallery page.

December 1, 2011
Since a Nancy fan has provided some new information that they received directly from Nancy, the biography page was updated.
The photo in the home page was changed. I hope you like the change.

November 13, 2011
New screencaps from Nancy's performance in "And Then There Was One" were added to the site's gallery.

April 21, 2011
New screencaps from Nancy's guest performance in "Katts and Dog" were added to the site's gallery.

April 20, 2011
New screencaps from Nancy's performance in the German film Tafelspitz were added to the site's gallery. Also, Nancy's biography was updated with many new details that I came across in old articles from 1994-1996. You might wanna read it again.

March 9, 2011
A brand new section dedicated to articles about Nancy was added to the site. One article is already in and hopefully new ones will be added in the future.

February 19, 2011
The site is undergoing some minor changes, but bigger changes are expected to follow.
The site's email address was changed. It is now nasunofficial@gmail.com
New sections are expected to be added to the site: Articles and a Psi Factor section. No doubt, Psi factor is Nancy's best known project and it never existed on this site, throughout its 7 years of existence. The reason for that was that a section dedicated to Psi Factor requires a lot of work and I couldn't fit it in with work and school. It will take time and I'm currently in a process of collecting material for this page, but I promise to get this page up there as soon as possible.

May 6, 2010
A brand new and improved lauout was launched in the site.

February 7, 2010
A new lauout was launched in the site.

January 1, 2010
A New Year design was launched in the site.

December 16, 2009
A Christmas design was launched in the site.
Category 6: Day Of Destruction screencaps were added to the site.

December 8, 2009
Doc screencaps were added.
Spoiler Alert was added to the gallery page. Be sure to read it carefully.

November 30, 2009
Coast To Coast screencaps were added.
The Crooked E screencaps were added.

November 29, 2009
Queer As Folk screencaps were added.

November 2, 2009
Relic Hunter screencaps were added.

October 27, 2009
The FAQ page was added.
Screencaps from "Katts and Dog" and "Tropical Heat" were added to the gallery.
Updates page was added to site menu.

October 26, 2009
The site was moved to 50webs.com after the Geocities hosting service was closed. It was hosted in Geocities for 4 years.
The home page was designed.
An extensive biography was added.
The links page was created.